Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Summer Mothers Circle

The new series of "The Mothers Circle" will begin on Tuesday evening, July 16 at 8pm. This group will run weekly through August 20. The Mothers Circle is a supportive retreat at Abhaya Yoga, 43D 9th Street in Gowanus. This is a very comfortable and relaxing environment you will enjoy. 

What is the difference between The Mothers Circle and the Monthly Drop-in?

The drop-in group is typically attended by new moms in the first year, and pregnant women. We typically address adjustments to life with baby, stressors, partner/family issues, new presentations of PMADs and how to identify and cope with them. 

The Mothers Circle is a consistent group over 6 or 8 weeks. Our first 8 week session has just ended, and you can look forward to another offering of an 8 week session in September. This Summer 6 week session is being offered in an effort to abide holiday weeks. If you are interested in The Mothers Circle, but know of a date or two you may be out of town, I am amenable to pro-rating the fee to accommodate any dates agreed upon at the time of registration. 

The Mothers Circle presents an opportunity to engage in deeper group therapy process in a committed group setting. The topics come from the participants and present the opportunity for sharing experiences and coping strategies. All moms are welcome and encouraged, especially those who may feel beyond the first-year issues. As we know, mood challenges and matters of adjustment and identity shift may persist. This group has been very successful at holding non-judgmental space for a wide range of topics. I offer psycho-education and Mindfulness practices as additional support.

Please Venmo to register @ Melissa-Paschke
or PayPal: paypal.me\melissapyoga
The Mothers Circle fee: $180

Please feel free to reach out with any questions and/or if you have interest in individual therapy being offered at my private office in Carroll Gardens. I have office hours on Mondays and Thursdays.