Saturday, October 07, 2017

October Schedule!

Please join me for this expanded offering of Brooklyn PPD Support Groups in the month of October! We will still be meeting at Premier Pediatrics and now Wild Was Mama at both the Greenpoint and Park Slope locations:

10/8: Wild Was Mama, Greenpoint, 9-10:30am
10/12: Premier Pediatrics, Manhattan, 8-9:15pm
10/17: Wild Was Mama, Park Slope, 9:30-11am
10/22: Wild Was Mama, Greenpoint, 9-10:30am
10/26: Premier Pediatrics, Brooklyn, 8-9:15pm
10/31: Wild Was Mama, Park Slope, 9:30-11am

There are now times in the mornings, evenings and weekends.
Please attend as many as you wish.
Feel free to share with friends and community.

Fee: $35
Babies are welcome!