Monday, September 18, 2017

New Groups starting in October, 2017!


I am excited to announce new groups in collaboration with 'Wild Was Mama'. I will be hosting 2 groups/month in each of their Park Slope and Greenpoint locations.
*4 new Brooklyn PPD Support Groups per month beginning in October*:

Wild Was Mama: Sundays, 10/8 and 10/22 @ 9am-11:30am
272 Driggs Ave (between Eckford & Leonard Sts)

Wild Was Mama: Tuesdays, 10/17 and 10/31 @ 9:30am-11am
464 Bergen St (between 5th/6th Aves)
Park Slope

As always, babies are welcome.
Fee: $35

Tell a friend, bring a friend, share with your mothers groups. 
Thank you for your support.